Haha Voodoo!
Has an Aphex Twin feel to it, not so much industrial as ambient, but that's just my opinion :) The instruments go well together! Nicely Done
Haha Voodoo!
Has an Aphex Twin feel to it, not so much industrial as ambient, but that's just my opinion :) The instruments go well together! Nicely Done
Thank you. I guess you're right about the aambient thing, it's never easy to find an exact genre (especially on my tunes). :)
Simply Divine! Nothing more must be said!
Vote: 5
Total: 15/15
Hey, thanks. Check us out on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheAmatoryMrd r (no spaces)
You can download our songs in HD for free on our website: www.theamatorymurder.com
(until the album comes out..)
hea hea
first of all, love the name! Tis pretty good. Maybe a little more wub bass, but its still catchy and excellent. Great work
Review: 8
Vote: 4
Total: 12/15
Lol thanks for the review, this is just my second lazy attempt at making dubstep. Only 30 minutes spent on this one! xD
Like It :)
Well, some asshole already was here before me and gave you a zero for no reason, fuckin douche lol But anyways ... It's upbeat and popish, love it! Very catchy melody i must say! Keep up the tasty work!
Review: 9
Vote: 5
Total: 14/15
Cheers man, this only took like 10 minuets it was a quick remix, No where near the true potential. I like your view " Keep up the tasty work!"
DJ-Corey-X Making Tasty Music :)
Thanks a lot man
Lets See ...
Well, you got the beat down, that's sure. I would say add more instruments to it. It's a little empty. The sound needs to be a little bit more full. Also, changing up the melody would help it some too. When you have time, re-make this and post it up. Let me know and I will have to check it out! Can't Wait! :)
Review: 7
Total: 10/15
great ideas :]
thanks for the review
That piano was so real and life like sounding. When the beat and the rest of the instruments came in it perfect. They all go well together :) This loop has a very dark but hopeful feel to it, thats why i love it so much! Possibly one of the best sounding video game songs I've Heard. Kind of has a silent hill meets final fantasy feel to it. Keep up the great work!
Review: 9
Vote: 5
Total: 14/15
Wow, thank you! Talk about a review. I'm glad you like it, and i hope to continue making good music for everyone to enjoy. :D
Made me feel right at home hea hea. the point deduction is from just the mix was a little weird and canceling out other instruments cause the volume. But the music itself was flawless. :)
Review: 8
Vote: 5
Vote: 13/15
Awesome thank you! :)
I could see this in any game! It's very action packed sounding & epic. "A mission to save the Earth!" haha no, i just got carried away..... All the instruments are perfect and the song has a very rich fullness to it. I'd say just for fun make this into a full fledged dance anthem. Just my opinion but hea hea
Review: 9
Vote: 5
Total: 14/15
Wow, thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^
Loved the vocals! They were especially excellent! Music/beat was very well too. Just maybe have the music a little bit louder to spice up the vocals more. A few spots the vocals seem a little messy, but not even really. Overall it was a really well done track. Great work i must say.
Review: 8
Vote: 4
Total: 12/15
thanks alot MadamEdna! i do agree that its a lil sloppy but considering what im working with, i just tried to make it work! in any case thank you for your review! LIVELOVELIFE!
Imperfections ARE art. Make it your own. Do what you love, no matter what anyone says.
Age 36, Male
Minneapolis, MN
Joined on 9/11/10