Epic As Fuck!!!
Hard, Fast, Epic ... Lest I say more? Keep up the great work.
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Total: 14/15
Epic As Fuck!!!
Hard, Fast, Epic ... Lest I say more? Keep up the great work.
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Total: 14/15
Thanks for the review.
Fuckin Ay!
This song was is just what i wanted to hear. I have nice headphones and get to enjoy the quality of the bass! So good. Funky as shit.
i'm glad yo like it thanks! Glad to hear someone can actually tell there is bass and not just using laptop speakers.
haha silly
First of all the ppl who i dislike the most are kanye West & Taylor Swift. They're skid stains lol. It's a shame the ceiling didn't collapse on both of them. Now to the main point here ... The mix was very good and the beats were hella groovy. Not really any complaints from me :) Keep up the nice work!
Toby Titties!
Love it! I was all confused for a second cause i thought it was skipping, but not even! The beat was so good when it came in. Just kicked me in the tits haha. I wish my friend would make me a birthday song! Keep up the great work ;)
Review: 9
Vote: 4
Total: 13/15
Simply Flawless!
I'm not one for hip-hop, but this song was extra funky. Damn! The bass line got me going. I was sitting her makin my own rhymes to go with it lol. Stellar work! Keep it up!
Haha thank you.
Love the beat! It's so crisp. The way all the instruments come in one by one is nice. Keeps the song interesting and changing. Keep up the great work :)
thank you madam
Thought Provoking
Extremely exquisite! Has a such a relaxing feel but yet still upbeat and dancesque. Love when the rest of the instruments come in at 1:05. Has that breathe taking feel with the volume as it gets a louder. The only negative thing i could say is that its a little short. I wanted it to keep on going! Great Work ;)
Review: 8
Vote: 4
Total: 12/15
Yeah, it's pretty short. Didn't take my time with it.
Thanks for the review, glad you liked it!
hahaha Too Good!
One of the silliest and funny parodies i have heard in awhile. The lyrics are good, and the end is a nice little twist. Also, you have a very nice voice! I was extremely impressed! Keep up the awesome work!
Review: 9
Vote: 5
Total: 14/15
Thanks a bunch. You don't know how many times i recorded the vocals to get them pristine.
Funky Werid
It's a really odd track. Sound almost like demonic funk hea hea. Twas nice and very extra creepy, which is why it was so good.
Review: 8
Vote: 4
Total 12/15
this one's sposed to be trippy. with an extra helping of creepersauce.
Imperfections ARE art. Make it your own. Do what you love, no matter what anyone says.
Age 36, Male
Minneapolis, MN
Joined on 9/11/10